Monday 15 October 2012

How to send self-Destructing Messages with Google Docs? – Technology Times

Many times it happens like you want to send some of the confidential information to your friend, it can be password, ATM pin or it can be anything.  It can be accessed by anyone for multiple times.  Here comes the need of some technology that deletes the message forever after single read.  Therefore making you total reveled about any worse happenings of any unauthorized access.

There are many web applications that offer this service.  Here we have discussed Burn Note and Privnote that provide facility of Self-Destructing Message.  They simply create a temporary web page that has been programmed to get self-damaged after single reading.  Dashlane is yet another web app that also provide this facility and also encrypts notes that has time limit of 30 minutes after that the message gets deleted forever. 

Send Self-Destructing messages in Google Docs
Google Docs also provides you the facility to send Self-Destructing messages.  The code that works behind the scenes is shown as under.
function onOpen() {
 var time = 10; // Wait Time (in seconds)
 var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); 
 ss.toast("This message will disappear after " + time + " seconds");
 ss.toast("We are now sending this private note to the shredder");

   .getRange(1, 1, ss.getLastRow(), ss.getLastColumn()).clear(); 

This script is known as Google Apps Script.  Here we simply attach an open trigger to the Google Sheet that becomes active as soon as the message is opened.  It waits for 10 seconds and runs the clear function to clear the entire message to make all the cells empty and whole message gets vanished.


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