Sunday 14 October 2012

How to research for the good Domain Names on the internet – Technology Times

A domain name is the most important thing for a website.  A good name represents your content and also makes a good traffic to your website.  Most of the times you might have seen that while researching for the domain name over the internet, most of the names seems to be already taken ( almost all good names).  Certainly there are some other good names too that you can still choose from the list.  Brainstorming new ideas for domain names can be done by various tools to get you the name of your choice.

IANA contains a complete list of various top-level domains that you may consider for registering as your domain name.  most of the times .com and .org domain names may have been taken so you can opt for country specific domain names like .in, .am, .be and the list is long.  More specifically it would be good practice to opt. for the code where you are going to spread your business.

iWantMyName is other good option that can be used for searching dozens extensions automatically.  It just needs a simple click to check the list against the name provided by you to get some of the international domains that are available.

It uses certain algorithms to get very close to the name you have passed to it.  If you have passes technology-times, it searches as,, and matches with the online list. If it is available then you are noticed else it simply leaves the domain.

Apart from this, domain names have expiry dates, they need to be renewed.  Domain Monitor is the site that informs you instantly by mailing you about the status of different domain names that have been mentioned by you.


Anonymous said...

Good domain names can help people remember who you are and easily find you to give them what they're looking for. Here are some quick and easy tips to help you pick the name that's best for you.

good domain names

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